Sunday, July 31, 2005

Get a hobby, people!

Hello all. It's been a while since I've posted something. That's what happens when you're on vacation. :-)

So far the vacation has been great. The weather has been terrific and I was able to do lots of things outside, including rollerblading and playing golf. I also helped my dad finish his deck. And to think I still have another full week before going back to the office. Sweet! Now I'm hoping for a few days of rain this coming week, cause I'd like to have a day where I can vegetate inside and not feel guilty. I also want to go see the new War museum and the Pompeii exhibit at the Museum of Civilizations. I saw the Renaissance in Florence exhibit on Friday at the National Gallery. There are some very nice works of art, but the exhibit isn't very big. And for the admission price of $12, I felt a little ripped off. Theay are advertising it as "Leonardo Da Vinci, Michaelangelo and the Renaissance in Florence". Well, I saw works by Da Vinci but saw nothing by Michael. Maybe I just missed them. Oh well.

Now I want to talk about something that has burned me up lately. And it kinda goes with the post about stupid parents. I'm sure most of you have heard about the video game "Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas" and the big controversy when a mod chip was made available that can unlock a mini-game with explicit sexual content. That means that your character in the game can pick up women or visit his girlfriends in the game and have wild sex with them...on screen. Well a group of parents in the States went ape-shit when they discovered this and crusaded for the game to be banned. How can children be exposed to this?! The producers of the game should be ashamed of themselves.

Alright, first of all, and this may make Perry happy, I agree that the message of the game is not a good one. Your character must reclaim his hood from rival gangs by initianting gang wars, doing drive-by shootings and swarmings. He also has to deal with crooked cops, the mafia, and do other petty crimes to complete the game. The game also allows you to wander around the map and do whatever you wish (attacking innocent people, picking up protitutes, etc.). I agree that this game is not for children, just like the previous titles in the Grand Theft Auto series (GTA I, GTA II, GTA III and GTA: Vice City). But that's why it was rated "M" for Mature. Meaning you have to be 17 or older to purchase the game.

If an 8 year old kid has a copy of the game, it's because his parents bought it for him. Now let's look at the case, shall we? The title is GRAND THEFT AUTO : San Andreas. Let's stop right there. As a parent, would you buy your 8 year old kid a game entitled GRAND THEFT AUTO? There Is also a big "M" on the case, saying: Rated "M" for Mature. Next to it: Blood and Gore; Intense Violence; Strong Language; Strong Sexual Content; Use of Drugs. Again, would you as a parent reading this buy this game for an 8 year old? And on the cover, you see 4 people with guns and some of them are performing a drive-by. You also see a scantly-clad woman. So if you're still going ahead and purchasing the game for an 8 year's your own fucking fault and not the game's producer's!

And beside, the mod was created by a Dutch hacker that broke into the game and rearranged it. I don't know how that works really, I'm computer retarded. But tha producers of the game never intended to have something like that happen. But the parents got their wish and now the game is rated "AO" for Adults Only. This means that you must be 18 or older to purchase the game. I'm sure that extra year will make lots of difference. Oh no wait, it won't. Cause irresponsible parents will still buy the game for their young children.

By the way, the game does kick ass! :-)

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Angry Man?

A number of people now have looked at this blog and wrote to me asking "Why are you angry?" The truth is...I'm not. Well, sometimes I am but not always. Since I don't want to come off as an old crank; I have my later years in life to be that, I'm going to explain the Angry Man name. Plus I don't have much work to do right now at the office. The summer can be long around here. Sigh.

The Angry Man reference is a long standing joke with my friend Andrew. Back in our LOEB days, Andrew came up with the brilliant idea of a spoken word album, based on a remix of the song "Tom's Diner" by Suzanne Vega, called "I am Sitting in the Doorway with a Donkey on the Table". For those who know the song, you can get the humour here. I told Andrew that this was a great idea and that the album would be the first release of my label company, AngryMan Records. Because back in the LOEB days, almost everybody working there was angry.

So the joke stuck and that's where the Angry Man reference comes from. Although Andrew has yet to complete the album, and I'm told that I now have to compete for the rights with the Littl' Lush Music label. Love ya, Dawn!

Monday, July 11, 2005

Ignorant people, chapter 1

Aahh, ignorant people. How much do I hate thee. Let me count the ways...hmmm, i don't think I can do that because I don't think a big enough number exists.

A statistic says that 1 out of 4 people on Earth is Chinese. Well, from what I can observe out there, 3 out of 4 people are also ignorant. My definition of ignorance is the complete lack of courtesy for others and the use of common sense.

In this chapter on ignorant people, and as a friend of mine pointed out yesterday, this subject will be a many chapter affair, I will talk about you ignorant fucks who take the bus.

Since I work downtown, I take the bus every day to and from the office. And let me tell you that ignorant people are out in droves on the OC Transpo buses. Just last week, all along the route home, we were picking up people. Then we had to wait until the looked into their bags to find their bus passes so they could show the driver and then he can continue the route. So you didn't know you had to show your pass, you dumb fuck! Here's a neat trick for next time. Have the fucking thing out before you get on the bus! That way you won't be holding up the rest of us who want to get home. But again, people just thinking of themselves.

And then you have the teenagers on the bus. Oh that's fun, isn't it? Riding on a bus with teenagers? What could possibily be more fun than that? How about getting kicked in the balls by someone wearing steel toed boots! Yes that sounds like more fun. Two girls once got on the bus and proceeded to have a discussion amongst themselves...and the rest of the bus. Would you mind keeping your voice down? The rest of the people don't want to know what he/she said about him/her during last period, or what you would do to this teacher if you could tell them off, or how much you got drunk last night, even though you're 14. No one gives a flying fuck about you and your pathetic life! And then there are the school bags. Why don't you remove your loaded school bags once you get on the bus so that they don't smack people in the face when you go flying all over the place cause you're not holding on to the bars? And when it does smash into people, why don't you apologize? Why don't you do that? Because you are ignorant little shitheads, who can't think of anyone but themselves! That's why.

Would I be an evil person if I took the next school back that hits me in the head and chucked it out the window of the moving bus? What about if I send the kid out after it? One less ignorant peon on the face of the Earth.

Thursday, July 07, 2005

And it begins...

Welcome one and all to my blog. A number of my friends have these and they love putting down their thoughts on many different subjects. And they suggested that I should start one as well. So here I go.

Disclaimer: The opinions expressed on this blog are mine and mine alone. I have always beleived that people are entitled to their own opinions and I respect them for it. I may not always agree with said opinions, but I still respect the people who have them. And I expect others to do the same for me and my thoughts on different subjects.

There, we got that out of the way. I will warn people that the language used on here will sometimes be a little colourfull. And that the orthograph/grammar may not always be perfect. But this is for fun, and I don't care if I make a few mistakes. Hopefully you won't either.

I will try to post regularly on here, but I may sometimes forget to do so, so bare with me please. :-)

Since I'm currently at work, I should probably do some work, cause we gots to get paid. There will be a post on here soon, on a subject that reallt, REALLY, REALLY burns me up : ignorant people.