Monday, July 11, 2005

Ignorant people, chapter 1

Aahh, ignorant people. How much do I hate thee. Let me count the ways...hmmm, i don't think I can do that because I don't think a big enough number exists.

A statistic says that 1 out of 4 people on Earth is Chinese. Well, from what I can observe out there, 3 out of 4 people are also ignorant. My definition of ignorance is the complete lack of courtesy for others and the use of common sense.

In this chapter on ignorant people, and as a friend of mine pointed out yesterday, this subject will be a many chapter affair, I will talk about you ignorant fucks who take the bus.

Since I work downtown, I take the bus every day to and from the office. And let me tell you that ignorant people are out in droves on the OC Transpo buses. Just last week, all along the route home, we were picking up people. Then we had to wait until the looked into their bags to find their bus passes so they could show the driver and then he can continue the route. So you didn't know you had to show your pass, you dumb fuck! Here's a neat trick for next time. Have the fucking thing out before you get on the bus! That way you won't be holding up the rest of us who want to get home. But again, people just thinking of themselves.

And then you have the teenagers on the bus. Oh that's fun, isn't it? Riding on a bus with teenagers? What could possibily be more fun than that? How about getting kicked in the balls by someone wearing steel toed boots! Yes that sounds like more fun. Two girls once got on the bus and proceeded to have a discussion amongst themselves...and the rest of the bus. Would you mind keeping your voice down? The rest of the people don't want to know what he/she said about him/her during last period, or what you would do to this teacher if you could tell them off, or how much you got drunk last night, even though you're 14. No one gives a flying fuck about you and your pathetic life! And then there are the school bags. Why don't you remove your loaded school bags once you get on the bus so that they don't smack people in the face when you go flying all over the place cause you're not holding on to the bars? And when it does smash into people, why don't you apologize? Why don't you do that? Because you are ignorant little shitheads, who can't think of anyone but themselves! That's why.

Would I be an evil person if I took the next school back that hits me in the head and chucked it out the window of the moving bus? What about if I send the kid out after it? One less ignorant peon on the face of the Earth.


Blogger Miss B said...

admittedly i leave my backpack on...however, i am cautious of it and will apologize if it gets in the way...oc transpo pepel suck...especially when they stare at you, or smell bad, or chew like a pig in your ear, or have super loud conversations that just make you watn to die.."like last week we had a party and so and so was so drunk tehy set the house on fire, it was so funny" if.
ps. that was a true oc transpo 'conversation witness'.

12:16 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

...Excuse me, well I go on the bus everyday after school and I don't want to fall under the generalization that all teenagers talk crap on the bus and whatnot. I personally take my backpack off and carry it, I try and help tourists, and speak only to help, I stand up for elderly people, I smile and always always have my bus pass ready to show. I'm actually considerate of others!!!

3:19 p.m.  

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