Ignorant people, chap. 6

This entry is dedicated to my friend Perry, who is currently teaching English in Japan and recently had a birthday. I promised him an update. So here it is.
Before I get to the topic of this rant, did people see Harper's speech yesterday? He was of course talking about 9/11, but he looked like a fucking metronome! Leaning to the left...then leaning to the right...then left...then right... and so on. I didn't really listen to what he was saying. I always try to tune out ignorant people. But you can most likely bet that his speech was approved first by his good friend Dubya.
Anyway, on to other things. As many people know, in Ottawa, there are only two seasons: hockey and construction. The hockey season ends when the Senators are eliminated from the playoffs, so every April. And that's when the construction season starts. If you go anywhere in the city right now, you will hit construction. It's always fucking going on! In my opinion, this is because road crews work between two signs all "season" long: SLOW DOWN and ROAD WORK.
But the non-stop construction is not helping the conditions on the roads, which are full of ignorant motherfuckers who don't know how to fucking drive! The people I really hate are the assholes who like to take 5 minutes to turn a fucking corner. True, you should slow down to keep control, especially in winter, but there are fucking limits! Christ!
Also don't you just loooooove the idiots who don't go once the light is green or after doing their stop? What are you waiting for, you dumb fuck?! The stop sign isn't going to turn green! And the light doesn't change to a different shade of green. And then, there are the lovely analysts. You know, the ones who need to slow down (almost to a complete stop) to look at an accident or at a cop car that stopped another vehicule? Even if these events are taking place on the other side of the fucking road, going in the other direction! These people should be rounded up and beaten to death with an axe handle.
In my humble opinion, drivers should be made to have to retake a road test every 5 years to renew their licenses. If this was the case, boy, the number of dead beats and fucking retards on the roads would drop dramatically.
If you have a frustrating story about driver, please share.
Till next time (which I promise won't be too long from now)