Saturday, July 15, 2006

The 75th Congress, part 6

Day 10, Tuesday May 30

I have fucking had it! I have reached the end of my patience and there are still six fucking days left! I just want to scream and cripple the first motherfucker I get my hands on. And at this point, that motherfucker will be the first goddamn person that steps in front of me!

Like most of my other colleagues, I don't want to deal with the idiots working here at York U, the fucking university, the cocksucking city and its anal fire marshall. This asshole told us that a number of booths now have to move because they need to be a further 8 inches away from the sprinkler heads than they are now. Which is fair, after all, regulations are regulations. But couldn't you tell us this last Thursday when the booths were empty and not now when we will have to get the publishers to take down their inventory for us to make the change, you cocksucking piece of shit. Or maybe I should be talking to the fucking inbred retards here at the university. If they had gotten off their fat asses and gotten the fire marshall's approval a few months ago instead of the day before the book fair opened, we coudl've skipped all the fucking headaches we are having now.

Today is change over day, where part time publishers during the first half leave and new ones arrive. So Jason, the guy from Global who stayed behind to do the change over, will also have to take down booths and all that retardedness. It's going to be a long night. I'll be staying to give him a hand, and hopefully we can hire a student or two to help as well.

Now the fire marshall had been a pain in my ass pretty much since last December. And I was never really impressed with the way York handled things as a whole. As I mentioned before, it seems to me that ever since preparations started, the Federation has been doing one thing and York has been doing it's own thing. I fucking hate them! I can see why so many publishers were not happy having to come to York. The locationof the university is shit! It's isolated and there's not much around. Actually, I shouldn't say there's not much around; there's nothing around! There isn't a subway stop at the campus and we'd have to drive 45 minutes to get to downtown Toronto! Not that I really want to do that, but it would be nice to be able to do something after a day's work. But often, my feet are killing me and I'm so exhausted after dealing with all kind of bullshit that I just want to go back to my room, tell everyone to go fuck themselves and cry into my pillow until I fall asleep. ;-) Hehehe, the last part is over exagerated, I'm not to that point...yet.

Stay tuned...

The 75th Congress, part 5

Day 7, Saturday May 27

Alright, here we go. The Congress is officially starting and the Book Fair, my first as coordinator, is up and running.

I started the day by getting some good news concerning the box of books that was taken from a booth last night. Turns out that York security was on the case into the night and they were able to learn that the person who took the box was the publisher who's booth that was. So again, I'm very pleased with the work York security has done with this, so yay for them. Also, this incident has shown them that they may require more security personnel inside the mall because the two people they had before can't be everywhere at once. So good for them. I'd still like them to lock down the mall earlier, but we'll see how that works. If there's another incident like this, I will have to talk with Denis, the Director of Congress, and we'll have to request that the mall close sooner. But we'll cross that bridge when we get there.

No to the publisher who had us all worried, fuck you! You could've told the security personnel that you needed to pick up a box in your booth, especially since it was obvious that no one was around and the book fair was closed. Anyway...

So here we go, wish us all luck.

Stay tuned...