Eulogy for a friend

It was ironic. Last Thursday night, while I was watching a tribute show for Eddie Guerrero, a wrestler that had passed away suddenly, my phone rang. I answered and it was my sister, calling to tell me that Brutus, our family dog, had just passed away.
Brutus was 15 years old; he would've been 16 in March 2006. But he hadn't been feeling well the last few days, and my mom and sister were taking him to the vet when he passed away in the car. When I heard the news, all breath left my body and I was just standing there, mouth open, unable to think.
We got Brutus from an old friend of mine when I was in 7th grade, back in 1990. When we took him home, he was about 2 months old. The cutest little thing you've ever seen. When we were looking for a name for this little guy, my mom suggested Brutus. A big name for a little dog. From the moment he came into our lives, we loved him. He adopted my mom immediatly. He was loved by everybody who came into contact with him. Even our old cat Ciboulette.
He loved her. And she loved him, even if she was beating on him most of the time. I remember once, Brutus was crying at the front door cause my mom was at work and he missed her. The cat was on the couch. She got up from the couch, walked over to the dog, slapped him, then calmly walked back to the couch and went back to sleep. Poor Brut, he ran under the couch and stayed there for a while. But they did love each other. I believe that Brutus is the reason why Ciboulette lived for as long as she did. They kept chasing each other and I think that kept her in good shape. Until cancer took her.
One of my favorite memories of Brutus is when he showed that he cared for everybody. We once dog-sat my cousin's dog and he was a big dog. And as soon as he got in the house, he started barking and growling at the cat. Well, Brutus got in between them and wouldn't let the dog go near the cat. My dad didn't always get along with Brutus, because of messes he made in the house while he was still a puppy. One time, my dad and mom were play fighting and my mom was pretending to be hurt. Well, Brutus got right in between my mom and my dad, telling my dad "if you want to hit someone, hit me". What a loyal pet he was. He loved everybody and everybody loved him. Let me tell you that family gatherings at our place were heaven for him. All those people! :-)
Another good memory I have of Brutus happened on the day Ciboulette died. She had cancer, and while she didn't seem to be suffering, she wasn't eating, or drinking anymore. So we decided to have her put to sleep before she starved to death. Well, the day of, Brutus went to see her in her basket, and washed her from head to tail. And then, he laid down next to her basket and didn't move, until my sister came and got the cat to go to the vet. She wrapped her in a blanket. Brutus waited by the door the whole time she was gone, and when she came back, he went to the blanket and lied down on it for the rest of the day.
He was a very caring dog, but he was also a little sneak. Hehehe. I remember once, when my sister was working nights at the hospital, and I was still living at home, Brutus would sleep in my room. I woke up to his crying one night, and he had two paws on my bed and was looking me straight in the eyes. I asked him what he wanted, and he went to the door, crying. That means "I gotta go pee". So I got up, put on my bathrobe, cause it was winter, and went downstairs. Went to turn off the alarm and then to the back door. I called him but he didn't come. I kept calling but nothing. So I went back upstairs to check on him and there was Mr. Brutus, sound asleep on my bed, where I had been lying, all toasty warm. :-) That little sneak. LOL!
It's been a week and I still can't beleive he's gone. My ex girlfriend once told me that when dogs die, they go to a huge field with lots of squirrels and they chase them all day long. I think he's doing that and he's spending lots of time with Mamie, whom he loved and of course Ciboulette. And he can meet Popo, and of course Grand-Père is there too. And he is patiently waiting to see us again.
Rest in peace, my little dog. We love you, and will never forget you. Until we meet again someday, goodnight Brut. Be good.
When I am gone, release me, let me go.
You mustn't tie yourself to me with tears
Be happy that we had so many years.
I gave you my love, you can only guess
How much you gave to me in happiness
So grieve a while for if grieve you must,
Then let your grief be comforted by trust
It's only for a while that we must part,
So bless the memories within your heart.
And then, when you must come this way alone,
I'll greet you with a smile, and say,.....
Welcome home.
well i hadn't had a good cry yet today :) Hope you're doing well.
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