The 75th Congress, part 3

My God! Is it only Tuesday? I can't beleive I have to stay here for another 13 days! I'm really looking forward to going home. And the actual Congress hasn't even started yet!
I was wondering when the bullshit was going to start, cause since we started dealing with York last year, it's been nothing but fucking retardedness after fucking retardedness. But since I arrived, it's been going pretty well, so I've been waiting for the crap. I'm happy to say that I don't have to wait anymore.
The foolishness is once again centered around the fire marshall, who has to give his approval for the location of the book fair. That's right kids, he could still come up and say "no, this location is no good". And that would fuck the whole thing up. We would be up shit creek without a fucking paddle. We have to jump through so many damn hoops with this issue, it's not even funny anymore. I'm just waiting for them to tell me that to get approval, I have to take this ring deep into the land of Mordor and toss it in the fires of Mount Doom before the Dark Lord Sauron gets a hold of it and destroys all of Middle-Earth (thank you to Jon Stewart for this anecdote). I understand that the book fair is in a retail area and that space is limited, but I really beleive that York and the fire marshall expects all the books to burst into flames or that the Federation and the publishers are a bunch of fucking pyromaniacs! This is getting beyond ridiculous. Another issue we are having is that the university won't give us the keys to our offices. They say "the offices are to be used during the Congress" which doesn't start until Saturday. Well we have to get in there to get things set up before the start of Congress, you dumb fuck!
On the plus side, they gave me a blackberry today for the duration of the Congress. While I feel special about that, the feeling is easily overshadowed and annihilated by the stupidity of York U. How I wish I was back home.
Stay tuned...
I can tell you love the perks of your job!
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